The Progeox App is an Android application developed for underground geological mapping that supports DXF files, with innovative tools that allow the capturing of geological information in an agile and precise way. 


Progeox App

Maximize efficiency in your mining operation with our geological mapping application. Discover mineralization areas and plan your excavation with greater precision. Our advanced technology allows you to visualize the deposit’s structure in detail and make informed decisions in real time.


About Progeox App

The rapid evolution of the mining industry demands the implementation of new technologies to solve challenges in the shortest possible time. 
At Promine, we understand this need and have created a solution for mine geologists focused on underground geological mapping. 
With our app you will be able to replace drawing maps on paper with digital geological mapping to optimize labor time. This application has been created taking into consideration the simplicity and functionality that geologists require to capture information quickly and accurately.
With the Progeox app, mining professionals can access real-time information about the types of rocks located in a specific area of the mine. This information can be used to optimize mining processes, such as determining the best drilling and blasting techniques or identifying areas that require additional support or reinforcement. 
The Progeox app allows you to visually observe a representation of rock formations and structures, as well as detailed descriptions of lithology, including information on texture, mineral composition, and other relevant characteristics.

Advantages of Using

Progeox App

Avoid the inconveniences of conventional paper drawings and ensure the backup of captured information.

Minimize the time of capturing geological information.

Avoid common transcription errors.

Import drawings from almost all mining and geology software.

Send immediately geological information in the mine's database.

Get accurate 3D geological modeling.

Progeox App


Use the app on Android tablets and phones
The Progeox App is fully compatible with devices with an Android operating system and the system requirements mentioned in the next section.
Use simplified and easy-to-use commands
Our user-friendly interface allows you to quickly locate the tools you need which provides an excellent user experience.
Import and export DXF files
Import and edit DXF files from any software, then export to the platform of your choice to continue working on the maps.
Perform face/back mapping
Perform geological mapping in plan view or on a drift face right on your device screen.
Visualize and rotate drawings in 3D
Visualize and rotate your maps in 3D, using a capacitive stylus or your fingers.
Measure distances accurately
Insert a ruler or a grid with the spacing of your preference, to precisely position structures for accurate measurements.
Insert a georeferenced image or photo
Take a photo of the area of interest or insert georeferenced images in a few clicks and insert the images directly in the app.
Visualize wedges in 3D
Identify and model wedges in 3D and obtain tonnage data.
Edit geological structures
Insert different types of geological structures with custom attributes.

Progeox App

Our app takes your operation to another level

Get crucial and reliable data for decision-making and potential analysis with the Progeox app.

Create a report with tonnages and grades.
Calculate the weighted average.
Customize your work to your comfort.

New development

Know the minimum requirements for the mobile device on which you are going to install our app


1.8 GHz 

Screen size       



4 GB 


5 megapixels 

Operating System 

Android 9 


Download our application now and take your operations to the next level.