Mining Industry Costs

Generate reports and cost graphs to support decisions in your mining operation using Promine modules.

Mining Industry Costs


Optimize your time, generating reports in just seconds.


Obtain accurate data, using the information already added from the workings of your mine.


Monitor all variables that can affect the production cost of the mine.

Costs in the Mining Industry

Each mining operation represents a cost for your mine. Therefore, as the project progresses, it is important to have accurate data that supports the decisions.  

Promine has developed different commands that allow you to take into account the costs of the work of your mine and generate cost reports. Thus, you will have backed-up data by adding information from your mining operations to our software, which facilitates strategic decision-making for your operation. 

Mining Industry Costs - Promine Image

Relevant Factors

Production Infrastructure:

Water supply facilities, drainage system and electricity.


Explosives, Drills, Lampons.

Machinery and Equipment:

Power generator, Backhoe, Drilling machinery, Drilling holes, Dump trucks.


Water, Electric Power.

Modules for the Cost Report

In this module, you can configure the mining cost, either per meter of progress or per ton of material extracted. It also allows you to draw a parametric ramp made up of parallel segments and multiple curves, among many other functions.

Drill_Blast underground Module - ESP

In this module, you can configure the cost of drilling/lenght or cost of loading/lenght. In addition, it allows you to calculate the amount of explosives per ton in a section and determine the total length of drilling, explosives, and bucking in one blast.

Set the explosive settings and delays - Promine DDB Image

In this module you can configure the cost of drilling/lenght or cost of loading/lenght. You can also set the delay on selected holes and insert a report for selected holes.


In this module, you can, after configuring factors such as machinery cost, cost by drift types, among others, obtain time and cost reports and graphs from objects selected in the drawing. This module also allows you to optimize a collection of mine planning objects on a Gantt chart.

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